Please note: I am not a ferret expert, and I did not write, nor did I independently verify, all the information in this file. I have done my best to include only accurate and useful information, but I cannot guarantee that what is contained in this file, whether written by me or by one of the contributors, is correct, or even that following the advice herein won't be harmful to you or your ferret in some way. For advice from an expert, you may wish to consult one of several books available, or, especially in the case of a suspected medical problem, a veterinarian who is familiar with the treatment of ferrets. FERRET MEDICAL FAQ - CARDIOMYOPATHY Last modified: 16 Mar 95 Version: 1.2 ------------------------------ Subject: CONTENTS *** Cardiomyopathy *** (1) Cardiomyopathy in the Ferret (Dr. Williams) (2) Cardiomyopathy (Dr. Brown) (3) Ferret Medical FAQ copyright and redistribution information ------------------------------ Subject: (1) Cardiomyopathy in the Ferret (Dr. Williams) Dr. Bruce Williams, DVM, writes: In short, CMP is a congenital problem in some lines of ferrets that manifests as ferrets get older. CMP means that the muscle of the heart becomes progressively weaker, and the heart is no longer strong enough to pump all of the blood. As the muscle weekens, it stretchess, and the heart gradually enlarges, sort of like a balloon. As the blood begins to back up, it will accumulate both within the lung and around the lung (often also in the abdominal cavity), resulting in coughing, which is the most commonly noticed sign. Actually, most animals have decreases in activity first, as they tire easily. CMP can be treated with some drugs, including diuretics which help it manage the load, but the damage is progressive and cannot be reversed. Concerning CMP - the vast majority of cases are probably due to genetics. CMP is seen in Boxers, Great Danes, and Dobermans - each of these breeds has their own specific type. CMP also runs in family lines in humans. While viruses have been incriminated in humans, I have not seen lesions resembling pre-existent viral infections in the ferrets with CMP that I have seen. The following article may be reprinted by anyone desiring to disseminate this information in a newsletter or non- commercial publication. This material may not be altered or changed in any way. Under Title 17 of the U.S. Code, Section 105, copyright protection is not available for any work of the United States Government. CARDIOMYOPATHY IN THE FERRET Cardiomyopathy is a common cause of heart disease in a number of companion animals, including dogs, cats, and as many owners and breeders know, our little friend, the ferret. The word cardiomyopathy comes from three Greek words meaning, literally, "a disease of the heart muscle", and that, unfortunately, sums up much of what we know of this disease. The cause of cardiomyopathy in the ferret, as well as in the dog and the cat, is unknown. In humans, where cardiomyopathy was first diagnosed and has been studied most extensively, this is also largely the case, although some types of cardiomyopathy may occur as a result of pre-existing endocrine diseases, viral disease, toxicities (including alcoholism), and nutritional deficiency (Robbins, 1989). There is one cause of cardiomyopathy that has been elucidated in the cat, and although it has not been definitely linked in the ferret, may be of importance - taurine deficiency. (This is just another reason why you should make sure that your ferrets food includes taurine - make sure to check those labels on the bag of food.) Cardiomyopathy in the ferret is an insidious disease - the majority of the damage to the heart occurs long before the owner ever realizes that the animal is ill. The general defect in all types of cardiomyopathy is the same - death of cardiac muscle fibers, which are then replaced with scar tissue. Scar tissue does not have the ability to conduct electrical impulse or to contract like heart muscle fibers can. As more and more myofibers are lost, the heart weakens and can no longer pump blood efficiently. This results in the two clinical findings which are the hallmark of diagnosis of heart disease in the ferret: a) an enlarged heart, and b) a "backing up" of the blood due to the weakened heart's inability to pump it effectively (resulting in a syndrome known as "congestive heart failure" - explained below.) When the blood backs up in the ferret it may go to a number of places - it may back up into the abdomen, resulting in a swollen, fluid-filled belly. Additionally, it may back up into the space around the lungs or into the lungs themselves. If fluid backs up into the lungs, the ferret may initially show a soft cough. As the fluid buildup progresses, the cough may worsen, and the owner will generally notice a sharp decrease in the animal's energy. In the end stages of the disease, ferrets have marked difficulty in breathing, often as a combination of the fluid in the lungs and the fluid in the abdomen (which presses on the diaphragm, impeding the ferrets' breathing even further). This is what is known as congestive heart failure. I have also seen cases of a different type of cardiomyopathy in a handful of ferrets, a type of cardiomyopathy which is also seen in cats and is known as "hypertrophic cardiomyopathy". In this disease, there is an overgrowth of fibers in the heart, which encroach upon the inside diameter of the heart, and in this manner, decrease the heart's effectiveness in pumping the blood presented to it. The clinical signs of this type of cardiomyopathy are identical to the congestive type which has already been discussed. Diagnosis of the disease is difficult in the early stages, but becomes progressively easier as the disease goes along. All of the signs (enlarged heart, fluid in the abdomen or around the lungs) can be seen on a radiograph (or "x-ray"), and this is the primary method by which affected animals are diagnosed. Specialized tests, such as echocardiography, are available at some veterinary hospitals, and can help pinpoint cases earlier in the disease's progression. We have discussed that cardiomyopathy is an insidious, progressive disease; there is no cure for cardiomyopathy, only treatment. The hallmark of treatment of this type of heart disease is two-fold: you must first decrease the amount of fluid built up in abnormal locations, and second, increase the strength of contraction of the heart. Diuretics are used to mobilize the excess fluid from the abdomen and lungs, and to keep the blood volume at a level which the weakened heart can pump it. Digitalis and related drugs help increase the strength of contraction of the remaining heart muscle to help it pump more effectively. In early cases, management of fluid volume with diuretics may be the only treatment necessary, with digitalis and like drugs held in reserve for the time when the heart becomes weaker. However, not all animals respond well to treatment. Dr. James Fox, in his book Biology and Diseases of the Ferret, reports that even when treated, the clinical course is fairly rapid, and treatment failures are common. This enforces the need to monitor your pets closely and bring any suspicions that you may have to the attention of your veterinarian immediately. 1. Robbins SL, Cotran RS and Kumar V. Pathologic Basis of Disease. W.B. Saunders and Co., Philadelphia, 1989. p. 634-638. 2. Fox, JL. Biology and Diseases of the Ferret. Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1988, pp 268-269. 3. Jubb, Kennedy, and Palmer. Pathology of Domestic Animals, vol 3. Academic Press, San Diego, 1985, pp. 26- 29. Bruce Williams, DVM ------------------------------ Subject: (2) Cardiomyopathy (Dr. Brown) Dr. Susan Brown, DVM, writes: We see far less cardiomyopathy than we used to before the started adding taurine to the cat food diets. Taurine deficiency was implicated in dilatative cardiomyopathy in cats. However, we see both dilatative (where the heart muscle is weak and gets dilated) and hypertrophic (where the heart muscle gets thickened and the ventricle space gets very small). Diagnosis is based on signs, survey x-ray, ECG and need to differentiate the dilatative form from the hypertrophic form, they use some different medications. One should also test the ferret for heartworms in heartworm susceptible areas (although, hopefully they will be seen on ultrasound), because this disease can also cause serious heart disease. We use diuretics for all cases and Vasotech and then other drugs as needed depending on the type of disease it is. It is worth treating and we have had ferrets go on for up to two years past the initial diagnosis even with some fluid in the lungs initially. Of course it all depends on how much damage the heart has sustained in the first place. ------------------------------ Subject: Ferret Medical FAQ copyright and redistribution information This compilation is copyright 1994, 1995 by Pamela L. Greene. It may be freely distributed by electronic, paper, or other means, provided that it is distributed in its entirety, including this notice, and that no fee is charged apart from the actual costs of distribution. (For-profit service providers such as Compuserve and America Online are granted permission to distribute the file provided that no additional fee beyond standard connection-time charges is levied.) Those portions of this file written by others remain the property of their respective authors. Anyone who wishes to is encouraged to include a World Wide Web hypertext link to the main Index page of this document set at wherever it might be appropriate. If you do make a link, please email me a note saying so!